
The Circus came to town and thrilled the crowds at the Crescent Shopping Centre

The Circus came to town and thrilled the crowds at the Crescent Shopping Centre

The Circus came to town and thrilled the crowds at the Crescent Shopping Centre

The Circus came to town and thrilled the crowds at the Crescent Shopping Centre

The Circus came to town and thrilled the crowds at the Crescent Shopping Centre

Christy O Brien for SOS

Christy Collopy in Grand Central Cinema's projection room, May 1976

Christy Collopy in Grand Central Cinema's projection room, May 1976

Christine Hogan, Dalton's School of Dancing

christine Fitzgerald (Patrickswell), Aileen McKnight (Askeaton), Kathleen Jordan (Effin), Mary O'Doherty (Kilfinnane)


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