
Presentations of greyhound prizes at Guinness Depot, Carey's Road, March 1976

Presentations of greyhound prizes at Guinness Depot, Carey's Road, March 1976

Presentation of cheque to Eric Lynch Limerick CBS by members of staff, trip to Turkey

Presentation to Willie Flaherty at Markets Field 1970.

Presentation to Willie Flaherty at Markets Field 1970.

Presentation to two teachers retiring at Model School June 1975

Mr. Tom Walshe of the Limerick Leader accepting his retiring gift of a set of Waterford cut glass.

Mr. Tom Walshe of the Limerick Leader with Mr. Joe Naughton pictured at the retirement of Mr. Walshe.

Mr. Tom Walshe of the Limerick Leader with Mr. Joe Naughton pictured at the retirement of Mr. Walshe.

Mr. Tom Walshe of the Limerick Leader accepting his retiring gift of a set of Waterford cut glass.


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