Sporting Awards

Two medal winners of the Mini Olympics at the Gaelic Grounds photographed at the Limerick Leader office.

Medal winner from the Mini Olympics at the Gaelic Grounds photographed at the Limerick Leader office.

Medal winner from the Mini Olympics at the Gaelic Grounds photographed at the Limerick Leader office.

Medal winner from the Mini Olympics at the Gaelic Grounds photographed at the Limerick Leader office.

Medal winners from the Mini Olympics at the Gaelic Grounds photographed at the Limerick Leader office.

Medal winners from the Mini Olympics at the Gaelic Grounds photographed at the Limerick Leader office.

Medal winner from the Mini Olympics at the Gaelic Grounds photographed at the Limerick Leader office.

Medal winner from the Mini Olympics at the Gaelic Grounds photographed at the Limerick Leader office.

A Young athlete being presented with a trophy at the Min Olympics in the Gaelic Grounds (1970)

A Young athlete being presented with a trophy at the Min Olympics in the Gaelic Grounds (1970)


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