
Exterior shot of Foynes Inn on 5-15-1970

Bar scene at Foynes Inn on 5-15-1970 featuring customers seated.

Bar scene at Foynes Inn on 15 May 1970 featuring bar staff and customers seated at counter.

Bar scene at Foynes Inn on 15 May 1970 featuring bar staff and customers seated at counter.

Portrait of man at Foynes Inn on 5-15-1970

Portrait of man at Foynes Inn on 5-15-1970

Portrait of woman at Foynes Innon 5-15-1970

Interior shot of bar featuring bar staff and three customers at counter at Foynes Inn on 5-15-1970

Portrait of woman at Foynes Innon 5-15-1970

Exterior shot of Foynes Inn on 5-15-1970


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