Presentation to Brother Stephen, Simon Community by Students.

Presentation to Brother Stephen, Simon Community by Students

Presentation to Brother Stephen, Simon Community by Students

Presentation of Travel Voucher at Riordans Travel.

Presentation by Rotary Club to pupils of Villiers School on project competition

Presentation at Dalton Printing Works.

Picketers outside a local primary school in Carrigkerry as the sachool is in poor condition and in desperate need of repair.

Picketers outside a local primary school in Carrigkerry as the sachool is in poor condition and in desperate need of repair.

Picketers outside a local primary school in Carrigkerry as the sachool is in poor condition and in desperate need of repair.

Picketers outside a local primary school in Carrigkerry as the sachool is in poor condition and in desperate need of repair.


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