Picketers outside a local primary school in Carrigkerry as the sachool is in poor condition and in desperate need of repair.

Parade for the Mini Olympics on Mulgrave street

Local participants of the Limerick Community Games walk proudly with their banner in the Mini Olympic paradde on Mulgrave street.

Local participants of the Limerick Community Games taking part in the parade for the Mini Olympics on Mulgrave street.

Local participants of the Limerick Community Games walk proudly with their banner.

Marching band leads the parade on Mulgrave street for the Mini Olympics

Tail end of the marching band leading the parade on Mulgrave street for the Mini Olympics.

Crowd enjoys the Mini Olympic parade on Mulgrave Street

Parade for the Mini Olympics on Mulgrave Street.

Marching band leading the parade for the Mini Olympics on Mulgrave Street.


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